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Vanaand op HOOR gesels ons met Salome “Me” Prinsloo, liedjieskrywer, sangeres, musikant en kaalvoet troebadoer. Sy is ‘n boorling van Welkom en plaasmeisie in hart en siel.


Sy het haarself leer kitaar speel om haarself te begelei waneer sy optreë. Sy is ook knap agter die klawers en skryf ook self. Haar liefde en passie vir kuns en musiek borrel uit gedurende hierdie onderhoud deur Martin Nel behartig.


HOOR - Salome Prinsloo P1 - A J Mouton
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HOOR - Salome Prinsloo P2 - A J Mouton
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Spoke to John Titmus about his book , Eff You Very Much. It is expected to elicit a roaring response from readers who have fallen victim to the allegedly shady activities of motor and finance industries.

According to John Titmus, who co-wrote the book with Crystal Slabbert, it delves deeper into the motor and finance industries, specifically regarding illegal activities, such as on-the-road fees, agents fees and dealership incentive commission, which is allegedly commission paid to dealerships by banks and which is added to the purchase price.

“According to the National Credit Act, these fees are not allowed to be charged or financed.



HOOR - John Titmus P1 - A J Mouton
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HOOR - John Titmus P2 - A J Mouton
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In hierdie aflewering van HOOR gesels ek met Anton Goosen (gebore 5 Maart 1946) Hy  is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse musikant. Goosen het meer suksesvolle liedjies (treffers) agter sy naam as enige ander Suid-Afrikaanse sanger. Sy treffers sluit in Silver de Lange, Boy van die suburbs, Byeboerwa en 'n Brief vir Simone. In 1979 het Anton die temamusiek vir die rolprent Pretoria O Pretoria! geskryf wat die oorspronklike weergawe van Kruidjie-roer-my-nie was, en sy eerste kommersieel suksesvolle opname was.

Die eerste weergawe van Kruidjie-roer-my-nie is drie dae na die uitreiking daarvan verban.

HOOR - Anton Goosen - Alwyn Mouton
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In hierdie aflewering van HOOR gesels ek met sanger en uitvoerende kunstenaar Will Jordaan. Hierdie man is al sederdien die vroeë sewentigs besig om mense te vermaak met sy eiesoortige stem wat hy kan knoop en meë toor na hartelus. Sy impersonasies van vele, onder ander Elvis Presley tot met Luciano Pavarotti is merkwaardig om die minste te sê.



HOOR - Will Jordan P1 - Alwyn Mouton
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HOOR - Will Jordan P2 - Alwyn Mouton
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In hierdie aflewering van HOOR gesels ek met Mel Botes. Hy is 'n Afrikaanse musikant.en ook 'n digter, liedjieskrywer en komponis. Botes het in 1999 met sy epiese musiekproduksie “David’s Confession” naam gemaak. Die eerste van vier hoofstukke van hierdie futuristiese musiekdrama “About Time” is by  Sun City opgevoer. Hy het al die lirieke en musiek van “David’s confession” geskryf. ‘n Gelyknamige album is in 1999 by Bop Studios opgeneem.  Hierdie werk is en word steeds beskryf as een van die beste ooit uit SA in die rock genre en jare voor sy tyd. Hy het nog 'n projek album, "Flight of Bird" vrygestel en gerugsteun met lewendig opvoerings 'n klompie jare gelede.


“Oomblik van Waansin” is Botes se eerste Afrikaanse album en het voortgespruit uit sy aanwysing as Vuurdoopliedjiewenner van 2000. Die album is hoofsaaklik by  RP Studios in Aucklandpark opgeneem en spog met ‘n suiwer, akoestiese klank.

HOOR - Mel Botes P1 - Alwyn Mouton
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HOOR - Mel Botes P2 - Alwyn Mouton
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Robin Beauclerk Smith (February 28, 1955) is a South African actor whose professional career began in theater whilst still in high school in 1970. He attended the University of Cape Town Drama School after school and worked at The Space Theater in Cape Town doing Socio Political shows during apartheid. He moved to Johannesburg in 1979 to continue his career in theater, and to get into television, which was based there. He broke into movies during the heyday of the B grade action movies in the 1980s, and was for a short time in 1997, a wrestling manager for the then WWF now WWE. He was known in the World Wrestling Federation as The Commandant, who managed the South African Truth Commission for 9 months in 1997.

Born in South Africa, he is a film and stage actor, as well as a voice artist. He appeared in many South African and international movies throughout the 1980s and 1990s and is still working as an actor, voice artist and director, based in Cape Town South Africa.

HOOR - Robin Smith P2
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HOOR - Robin Smith P2
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